House in Gathatuwa for Mr Samitha Rathnayake

A refined architectural masterpiece consisting of continuous straight columns connected by a succession of grey-hued beams that constitute the structure’s exterior layer, making the entire structure more appealing in three dimension. In the foreground, there are spacious verandas and balconies, as well as a double-height main entry with outstanding random rubble paved wall and a copper colour textured wall.

The tree’s widespread branches cover the extravagance, creating a homely overlook on the facade, and block off excessive sunlight. Massive timber sliding doors create a counterpoint to the overall foam and much-needed transparency to the building’s skin. In the broad expanse of greenery of 60-perch land, the Beige and sandstone colour walls, as well as the Grey outside structure, stand out.

A large terrace with a 360° view of the vicinage is accessible from a recreation space 35 feet above the ground floor of the residence, which is designed to create cross ventilation. Even though the property is in a densely crowded region, the architect has used the large plot of land to create a quiet residence away from the city hustle. The arm resting timber rails fastened to the guard wall top are an artistic safety measure for this well-lit terrace top where you can relax and unwind. The potted plants with their spreading branches give shade from the blazing heat during the day, lowering the temperature on the slab, and creating a lovely scene at night when the lights are turned on.